Here's a calculator I made a while back, mainly out of frustration that the vast vast majority of online pension calculators made some huge assumptions. Namely, that you will carry on working until at least your private pension age, and that your contributions will be exactly the same each year, or at least that they will increase with inflation.
So, here it is, the 'lumpy' Pension Calculator. Which lets you input a custom amount each year, to see what effect 'front loading' your pension will have. Spoiler's pretty good!!
How to use:
- Click on the link and download a copy for yourself (that way it avoid people inputting amounts into the online template!)
- Input your age, current pension pot and what returns you think you'll get on average
- Have a mess around with some annual pension contributions in Column B. Maybe deposit more earlier on, and then dial it back to the company match
- Column A will highlight when you have reached age 57. This is the current private pension age and will apply to most people, although always worth checking to make sure!!!
Note: The 'salary' box is just there for reference, it doesn't change any of the calculations
Any questions just let me know!
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