Bavarian holiday 24/25 ISA allowance? Completed it Normally I start off with an update on finances but given the biggest thing of May has been our 10-day holiday, travelling our way around Bavaria, I thought I'd swap it around. Normal service might be resumed next month, but I feel that since passing the - completely arbitrary - £1m net worth number, then the numbers kinda take a bit of a backseat now. 'Saving intentionally' is now safely on autopilot and 'spending intentionally' now comes into the frame, whether that is buying more of our time (by dialling back work or taking unpaid time off) or through buying experiences such as holidays. Non-finance update Holidays Germany - We've just come back from 9 days out in Germany on a DIY adventure holidays for us all. Massive shout out to my wife who I want to say did most of the planning, but in reality she did all of the planning! I've been asked by a few people on social media for a rundown of what we did, ...
Intentional saving, spending and parenting