Phew, it's been a while since I've given an update! Here goes! Income Work - I've managed to get a sizable increase in my wage over the last few months, from roughly £75k > £95k. This is off the back off a pay freeze in my work's pay review this time last year, so this combined with a high inflation rate means I was always expecting a sizable pay increase but it goes without saying I am very happy with this increase! My wage increase also came with a bonus paid in company shares. These are SOGs (Stock Option Grants), so are only really worth something should the company I work for being bought. I treat these as a bit of a lottery ticket and a nice to have should it actually happen. Last tax year I was able to duck just under the higher rate tax threshold of £50k by utilising salary sacrifice for my pension (34% me, 6% employer) as well as Childcare Vouchers (£243 a month). This coming tax year will be completely different. I have just stopped my Childcare vouchers...
Intentional saving, spending and parenting