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Showing posts from August, 2024

*Interactive Investor Offer: No platform fee for 1 year*

Simply click the link below, open up an ISA/SIPP/GIA then either fund £5k or transfer in from existing provider and you'll get the platform free for a year, saving potentially £360

July 2024 update

A bit late with the update this month, apologies! This one is short & sweet Finance update I mentioned in my last monthly update that I've rather taken to the 'waterfall chart' as a way of showing contributions and gain/loss for both the monthly swing across assets but also to show the total for the year. These can be done simply in Excel. Breakdown for July: ISA is full so no new contributions, markets down led to a downturn of £2k Similar story with my Pension I contributed £2k to my GIA /easy access savings and bizarrely this ended up in positive territory at the end of the month £400 into Crypto and a whopping gain of £4k for the month House price rose £1.3k in June All in all, up just over £5k 2024/25 tax year: At the start of August there was a notable market downturn, sparked by Japan increasing interest rates by 0.25%, and having a disastrous effect on the "carry trade" (where you loan money out in a low interest environment and buy assets in another)...