Finance update A terrible month for portfolio returns! Down £37k, my worst month on record. Previous to this month, my worst month was January 2022, down £26k. I mentioned in my last monthly update that February wasn't looking great, in the first few days my portfolio was down £20k, and after a brief recovery, it then sunk again towards the end of the month. Breakdown for February: ISA down £9k Pension down £13k GIA /easy access savings down £300 Crypto down £12.5k House price up £4k Total : down £37k The bulk of the loss has come from my Crypto holdings, which having been involved in Crypto for 10 years is something that I'm not a stranger to! You see from the graph that I've only contributed to my pension and my GIA/savings this month, all of this has been in cash / Premium Bonds rather than being invested and I'm waiting until the start of the new tax year to move over to my ISA. 2024/25 tax year: Total change for the financial year is now a...
Intentional saving, spending and parenting